Working with your Lemur
This can be convenient when you need controls for ADSR envelopes or
other tightly interrelated groups of parameters. Let’s use a MultiSlider to produce
values for an envelope working somewhere in a Synthesizer and trigger them with
a Pads Object:
• Switch to the 1 Demo Interface and click into the Container. There’s some
space left.
• Click the Create Object button and choose the Pads. Name the Object Trig and
click OK.
• Click the Create Object button again, choose MultiSlider from the list of
objects, name the object Env, and click OK.
• Click the Behavior panel of the MultiSlider, and set the number of sliders to 4.
Move and resize the MultiSlider so you can control each slider easily. Maybe
something like this or a little bigger?
We’re going to use the first slider for Attack, the second for Decay,
the third for Sustain, and the fourth for Release. As with the x variables of all
Lemur objects, the MultiSlider x variable ranges between 0 and 1. This is not really
enough of a range for the time values of our envelope, so we need to scale these
values. We’ll also need to create three Expressions, one for each of the envelope’s
time values.
• Click on the Trig Object (Pads) in the Project Browser so that its name is selected.
• Click the Create Expression button to create a new, local Expression.
• Name the expression Atk and press return
• Click on the new expression in the Project Browser and change to its Script
• In the script field enter the Expression shown below:
This means that the Atk Variable will use the value of the first slider (with
the index of 0) of the MultiSlider we just created.
Create similar Expressions for Dec (decay), which will use Env.x[1]
* 5.0, Sus (sustain), which will use Env.x[2], and Rel (release), which will