Microsoft 9GD00001 Computer Accessories User Manual

work of this magnitude is never the ramblings of a single author, but a successful
combination of dedication from a team of highly skilled professionals. I would like
to personally thank several people who helped make this book possible.
Jane Brownlow, Executive Editor, helped kick off the book and got it started on the
right path. Megg Morin, Acquisitions Editor, took the reins from Jane and led the rest
of the way. Joya Anthony, Acquisitions Coordinator, helped keep the flow of chapters
moving. Madhu Bhardwaj, Project Manager, and Patty Mon, Editorial Supervisor, helped
coordinate copy edits and final layout. I would really like to thank you all for your
patience and assistance. There are many more people at McGraw-Hill who helped put this
book together, and I am appreciative of their contributions and professionalism.
Roy Ogborn was the technical editor for this book. I’ve known Roy for several years
and was delighted when he agreed to tech edit the book. Besides catching many of my
errors, Roy provided valuable insight that made a difference in several areas, continuously
asking the question of whether a beginner would understand a concept, what is the proper
application of the language to accomplish a goal, and perspective on what parts of a
technology needed emphasis. Thanks to Roy for outstanding technical editing and advice.