Microsoft 9GD00001 Computer Accessories User Manual

Chapter 9: Creating Web Applications with ASP.NET MVC 281
Return RedirectToAction("Index")
Return View()
End Try
End Function
In the get Edit action method, you need to get a reference to the current record,
indicated by the id being passed in, and pass that reference to the View for display. The
post Edit action method accepts the modified customer and passes it to the repository for
update in the database. You should also right-click in either of the Edit methods and select
Add View. Make the View strongly typed, set the class to Customer, and the Content type
to Edit.
The final operation to complete is discussed next, how to delete a Customer.
Deleting a Customer
The default template for creating a list added an ActionLink for Details, next to the Edit
ActionLink. You can create a read-only details page if you want, or just ensure the list is
in the format you want to show each customer record, but for our purposes the Details
option is not necessary. So, this example replaces the Details link with one for deleting
a record. Listing 9-12 shows the Delete Controller method, which replaces the Detail
Controller method.
Listing 9-12 The Delete Controller method
// GET: /Customer/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
new CustomerRepository()
TempData["Result"] = "Customer Deleted.";
return RedirectToAction("Index");