Advanced Settings
N150 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN1000Bv3
Manage Port Triggering Services
To configure port triggering services, you must know which inbound ports the application
needs, and the number of the outbound port that will trigger the opening of the inbound ports.
You can usually determine this information by contacting the publisher of the application or
user groups or news groups.
To add a port triggering service:
1. Select ADVANCED > Advanced Setup > Port Forwarding/Port T
The Port Forwarding / Port Triggering screen displays.
2. Select the Port Triggering radio button.
3. Click the Add Service
4. In the Service Name field, type a descriptive service name.
5. Select how the service affects users:
a. Selection an option from the Service User menu:
• Any. Lets any computer on the Internet use this service. This is the default
• Single address. Restricts the service to a particular computer.
b. If you select Single address, type the IP address in the fields.
6. From the Service
Type menu, select the correct type of protocol for the new service:
7. In the T
riggering Port field, enter the number of the outbound traffic port that will cause the
inbound ports (see Step 9 and Step 10) to be opened.
8. From the Connection T
ype menu, select the correct type of protocol for the inbound