A standard user needs to enter an administrator password.
Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [System] - [Hardware] -
[Device Manager].
2. Double-click [Network adapters] - [Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection], and
click [Power Management].
3. Select the setting for [Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power] and
[Allow this device to wake the computer]
, and click [OK].
We recommend you to make the above 2 settings ON/OFF simultaneously.
- The computer may start up if accessed by another computer on the network.
The following procedure can be used to prevent startup due to unintentional access by
a computer.
Click (Start) - [Computer] - [System properties] - [Device Manager].
A standard user needs to enter an administrator password.
Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [System] - [Hardware] -
[Device Manager].
2. Double-click [Network adapters], and double-click the internal network adaptor.
3. Click [Power Management], add a check mark for [Only allow a magic packet to wake
the computer]
, and then click [OK].
*2 : Windows XP: standby
*3 : Windows XP: [Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby]
*4 : Windows XP: [Only allow management stations to bring the computer out of standby]
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2011-11-29file://X:\MÀJ Site Web GouvQc\Novembre 2011 A
out de Panasonic\Guides d'usa