Instrument Overview Graphical User Interface Overview
MS278XB OM 3-27
Table 3-6. Spectral Analysis Graticule Legend
Index Description
Status Indicator: This indicator (asterisk) is displayed when the current instrument setup does not
correspond to the one which was applied when a trace is displayed. This happens when:
The instrument setup is modified when the Sweep mode is set to Single and a new sweep has not
yet been triggered.
The instrument setup is modified in the middle of a measurement. The measurement is re-started
with the new setup and this indicator is shown until the entire trace is re-written.
2 Y-axis Scale: The Y-axis scale is labeled every other major grid line.
3 Sweep Status: Displays the sweep status of Triggered and Single sweep modes.
4 to 8
Trace Information: Trace information is displayed in the following format (the current active trace has
the text underlined):
Trc<n> <Trace Mode>
<Detector Mode>
<Trace Math>
n: Trace Number (1 to 5)
Trace Mode: Trace Mode (Clear Write, Max Hold, Min Hold, Average, View, or Off)
Detector: Detector Type (Auto, Normal, Maximum, Minimum, Sample, Average, or RMS)
Trace Math: Trace Math indicator (available when Trace Mode: Average is selected)
Sweep Mode: This field is used to display the sweep modes of Swept, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), or
FFT-WB (Wideband).
10 Start Frequency: Indicates the start frequency of the sweep.
11 Frequency/Division: This field indicates the horizontal scaling per division.
Center Frequency: Indicates the center frequency of the sweep. If a frequency offset is set, OFFSET is
also displayed.
13 Span Frequency: Indicates the total span of the frequency sweep.
14 Stop Frequency: Indicates the stop frequency of the sweep.
Trace Display: Up to five traces can be displayed using the following colors: Trace 1--Yellow, Trace 2--
Green, Trace 3--Cyan, Trace 4--Magenta, Trace 5--Red
16 Marker Display: Markers are annotated with the absolute power level next to the marker location.
17 Marker Display: Markers are annotated with the absolute power level next to the marker location.
18 Display Line: A display line may be displayed at any desired level.
Active Marker Field: The active marker number, frequency, and amplitude values are displayed in this
field. The trace that has received the marker is indicated in brackets. If the Marker is a Delta Marker, the
delta symbol (
D) precedes the Mkr number and the values displayed are relative to the reference
Reference Marker Field: The reference marker number, frequency, and amplitude values are displayed
in this field. The displayed values are absolute in magnitude.
Bandwidth Setup: The bandwidth setup field displays the current Resolution Bandwidth, Video
Bandwidth, and Sweep Time settings. If the settings are manually entered, an asterisk is displayed.
Amplitude Setup: The amplitude setup field displays the current attenuation level, reference level, and
reference level offset. If the attenuation is set manually, an asterisk is displayed.