Campbell Manufacturing CR10 Network Router User Manual

c) End loop with Instruction 95.
d) Use the If Time Instruction (#92) to set
the Output Flag every hour.
e) Use the Average Instruction (#71) with
5 repetitions starting at input location
21 to average the vapor pressure over
the hour.
The actual keyboard entries for the examples
are shown below with the first example
Instruction location equal to 10. The Input
Instructions to make the pressure and
temperature measurements are assumed.
TABLE 12-3. Loop Example: Block Data
10: P87 Beginning of Loop
01: 0 Delay
02: 5 Loop Count
11: P57 Wet/Dry Bulb Temp to VP
01: 10 Pressure Loc
02: 11-- Dry Bulb Temp Loc DRY BLB#1
03: 16-- Wet Bulb Temp Loc VP #1
04: 21-- Loc [:VP #1 ]
12: P95 End
13: P92 If time is
01: 0 minutes into a
02: 60 minute interval
03: 10 Set high Flag 0 (output)
14: P71 Average
01: 5 Reps
02: 21 Loc VP #1
The Loop with a delay may be used so that only
those instructions within the Loop are executed
while certain conditions are met. As a simple
example, suppose it is desired to execute one
set of instructions from midnight until 6 AM,
another set between 6 AM and 4 PM, and a
third set between 4 PM and midnight. Between
6 AM and 4 PM, samples are desired every 10
seconds; the rest of the time one minute
between samples is sufficient. The execution
interval is set to 10 seconds; when a one
minute sample rate is desired, a delay of 6 (6 x
10s = 60s) is used in the loop.