Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Mapping Certificates to IPsec or SSL VPN Connection Profiles
• Name—Specifies the name assigned to this tunnel group. For the Edit function, this field is
• Type—(Display-only) Displays the type of tunnel group you are adding or editing. The contents of
this field depend on your selection on the previous dialog box.
• Group Policy—Lists the currently configured group policies. The default value is the default group
policy, DfltGrpPolicy.
• Strip the realm (administrative domain) from the username before passing it on to the AAA
server—Enables or disables stripping the realm from the username before passing the username on
to the AAA server. Check the Strip Realm check box to remove the realm qualifier of the username
during authentication. You can append the realm name to the username for AAA: authorization,
authentication and accounting. The only valid delimiter for a realm is the @ character. The format
is username@realm, for example, JaneDoe@it.cisco.com. If you check this Strip Realm check box,
authentication is based on the username alone. Otherwise, authentication is based on the full
username@realm string. You must check this box if your server is unable to parse delimiters.
Note You can append both the realm and the group to a username, in which case the ASA uses
parameters configured for the group and for the realm for AAA functions. The format for this
option is username[@realm]]<#or!>group], for example, JaneDoe@it.cisco.com#VPNGroup.
If you choose this option, you must use either the # or ! character for the group delimiter because
the ASA cannot interpret the @ as a group delimiter if it is also present as the realm delimiter.
A Kerberos realm is a special case. The convention in naming a Kerberos realm is to capitalize
the DNS domain name associated with the hosts in the Kerberos realm. For example, if users are
in the it.cisco.com domain, you might call your Kerberos realm IT.CISCO.COM.
The ASA does not include support for the user@grouppolicy, as the VPN 3000 Concentrator did.
Only the L2TP/IPsec client supports the tunnel switching via user@tunnelgroup.
• Strip the group from the username before passing it on to the AAA server—Enables or disables
stripping the group name from the username before passing the username on to the AAA server.
Check Strip Group to remove the group name from the username during authentication. This option
is meaningful only when you have also checked the Enable Group Lookup box. When you append
a group name to a username using a delimiter, and enable Group Lookup, the ASA interprets all
characters to the left of the delimiter as the username, and those to the right as the group name. Valid
group delimiters are the @, #, and ! characters, with the @ character as the default for Group
Lookup. You append the group to the username in the format username<delimiter>group, the
possibilities being, for example, JaneDoe@VPNGroup, JaneDoe#VPNGroup, and
• Password Management—Lets you configure parameters relevant to overriding an account-disabled
indication from a AAA server and to notifying users about password expiration.
Override account-disabled indication from AAA server—Overrides an account-disabled
indication from a AAA server.
Note Allowing override account-disabled is a potential security risk.