Understanding the Printer Menus 543
From Setting
To specify the sender
of the e-mail.
Scan to Network
Scan to
To store the scanned image on a network server or a computer.
Scan to Application
Recipient Keypad Enters an e-mail address using a keypad.
Address Book Searches an e-mail address from the Address Book.
Email Group Searches an e-mail address from the Email Group in the
Address Book.
Search Local
Address Book
Searches an e-mail address from the Local Address
Search Server
Address Book
Searches an e-mail address from the Server Address
Keypad Enters an e-mail address using a keypad.
Local Address Book Searches an e-mail address from the Local Address Book.
Server Address Book Searches an e-mail address from the Server Address Book.
Network (Computer) Stores the scanned image on a computer using the Server
Message Block (SMB) protocol.
Network (Server) Stores the scanned image on a server using the FTP protocol.
Search Address Book Searches for a server address and specifies it as the transfer