164 Troubleshooting
NFS Export Does Not Exist
NFS File Access Denied
Description Attempted to mount an export that does not exist.
Cause This failure is commonly caused by spelling mistakes on the client
system or when accessing the wrong server.
Workaround 1
Check the available exports on the NAS; verify that all the
required exports exist.
On the problematic client, verify that the relevant export is
available to this client:
% showmount -e <Server name/IP>
Export list for <Server name/IP>:
If the export is available, review the export name spelling in the
relevant mount command on the client. It is recommended to
copy paste the export name from the showmount output to the
mount command.
Description This event is issued when an NFS user does not have enough
permissions for the file on a NAS container.
Cause File ownership is UID/UNIX and the user is not privileged to
access the file, or, file ownership is SID/ACL and after translation
to UID/UNIX the permissions do not allow access to the file.
Workaround For native access (when CIFS user accesses SID/ACL file or NFS
user accesses UID/UNIX file) understanding the missing
permission is standard.
If the access is non-native, translation rules come to effect and it is
recommended to contact Dell Technical Support.