Dell NX3500 Server User Manual

Command Line Interface 197
The authenticity of host '
(’ can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is:
Are you sure you want to continue connecting
(yes/no)? yes
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts
admin@'s password: Stor@ge!
Last login: Sun Dec 26 03:04:51 from
Welcome to "NX3500-sup3" (1.0.326)
Installed on Thu Dec 23 07:38:45 IST 2010
Hello admin, welcome to the NAS Manager command
line interface (version 1.0.366)!
CLI Menu Options
The following menus and menu options are available with the
PowerVault NX3500.
Table 11-1. CLI Menu Options
Menu Options
The data-protection menu lets you set the backup and snapshot
configuration to protect your data. It includes the following menu items:
replication: lets you utilize an additional storage repository.
snapshots: lets you freeze and restore the files to a previous state.
anti-virus: lets you manage anti-virus hosts.
ndmp: lets you configure backup service and watch active-jobs.