Introduction 23
Key Features
The PowerVault NX3500:
• Helps administrators expand existing capacity and improve performance
when needed, without impacting the applications or users.
• Provides administrative functions for storage administrators who perform
day-to-day system operations and storage management.
• Has a distributed file system, which creates a single interface to the data.
• Uses a quad core processor per controller.
• Is capable of storing terabytes in a single file system.
• Allows for dynamic increase in capacity.
• Has a centralized, easy to use, web-based NAS management console.
• Has on-demand virtual storage provisioning.
• Has granular disk space management.
• Is capable of providing user-accessible Point-In-Time snapshots.
•Is capable of sharing files with Microsoft Windows, Linux, and UNIX users.
• Offers flexible, automated online replication and disaster recovery.
• Features built-in performance monitoring and capacity planning.
PowerVault NX3500 Views
You can access the PowerVault NX3500 as a client or an administrator
depending on the access privileges you have.
NOTE: It is recommended that you do not attempt to log on to both the CLI and NAS
Manager at the same time.