Setting up the Elite XL
Chapter 1
1-28 Chapter 1
Configuring the Macintosh EtherTalk software
In order for print data to be transmitted to the Elite XL via Ethernet, the
Macintosh needs to be configured for communication over Ethernet.
To configure the Macintosh for Ethernet communication:
1. Select Control Panels from the Apple ( ) menu.
The Control Panels folder appears.
2. Double-click the Network control panel.
The Network control panel appears displaying network
protocol options.
3. Click EtherTalk.
Depending on the type of EtherTalk hardware installed in
your Macintosh, the correct EtherTalk (Phase 2) icon will look
like one of the following:
4. Close the Network control panel.
Configuring IBM-PC and compatible software
Please refer to your network card, network software, and Windows
documentation for configuration instructions.
Network card status LEDs
There are three yellow light-emitting-diodes (LEDs) inset into the face
plate of the Elite XL rear bezel. The right LED is lit continuously when a
valid Thin Coax (10BASE-2) connection is established. The left LED is lit
continuously when a valid UTP (10BASE-T) connection is established.
Note: You must select the
EtherTalk Phase 2 icon
(two arrows pointing in
each direction or two
arrowheads connected by a
dotted line) as opposed to
EtherTalk Phase 1 (one
arrow pointing in each