
282 DS6000 Series: Concepts and Architecture
The DS CLI allows you to invoke and manage logical storage configuration tasks and Copy
Services functions from an open systems host through batch processes and scripts.
It is part of the DS6000 Licensed Internal Code and is delivered with the Customer Software
Packet. It is closely tied to the installed version of code and is therefore not available for
download. The CLI code must be obtained from the same software bundle as the current
microcode update. When DS6000 code updates occur, the DS CLI must also be updated.
The DS CLI is available for most of the supported operating systems. The DS6000
Interoperability Matrix contains a complete list.
There are some pre-requisites for the host system that the DS CLI is running on, specifically:
Java 1.4.1 or later must be installed
ksh (Korn shell) or bash (Bourne again shell) must be available. Install shield does not
support the sh shell.
DS6000 Command-Line Interface User’s Guide, SC26-7681 contains detailed installation
instructions for all supported host operating systems.
The DS CLI can be used in two modes:
Single command mode: You invoke the DS CLI program in an operating system shell or
command prompt and pass the command it is to execute directly as a parameter. The
command will be passed directly to the DS MC for immediate execution. The return code
of the DS CLI program corresponds to the return code of the command it executed. This
mode can be used for scripting.
Interactive mode: You start the DS CLI program on your host. It provides you with a shell
environment that allows you to enter commands and send them to the DS-MC for
immediate execution.
There also is a section in this book describing the usage of the DS CLI, including some
examples (Chapter 10, “DS CLI” on page 195).
DS6000 Command-Line Interface User’s Guide, SC26-7681 contains a complete
command reference.
14.5 IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center
The IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center (TPC) is an open storage management solution
that helps to reduce the effort of managing complex storage infrastructures, to increase
storage capacity utilization, and to improve administrative efficiency. It is designed to enable
an agile storage infrastructure that can respond to on-demand storage needs.