Hardware Specifications
Doc. No. MV-S104859-U0 Rev. E Copyright © 2008 Marvell
Page 118 Document Classification: Proprietary Information December 2, 2008, Preliminary
8.7 Differential Interface Electrical Characteristics
This section provides the reference clock, AC, and DC characteristics for the following differential
PCI Express Interface Electrical Characteristics
SATA Interface Electrical Characteristics
USB Electrical Characteristics
8.7.1 Differential Interface Reference Clock Characteristics PCI Express Interface Differential Reference Clock Characteristics
Table 64: PCI Express Interface Differential Reference Clock Characteristics
Description Symbol Min Max Units Notes
Clock frequency fCK MHz -
Clock duty cycle DCrefclk 0.4 0.6 tCK -
Differential rising/falling slew rate SRrefclk 0.6 4.0 V/nS 3
Differential high voltage VIHrefclk 150.0 - mV -
Differential low voltage VILrefclk - -150.0 mV -
Absolute crossing point voltage Vcross 250.0 550.0 mV 1
Variation of Vcross over all rising clock edges Vcrs_dlta - 140.0 mV 1
Average differential clock period accuracy Tperavg -300.0 2800.0 ppm -
Absolute differential clock period Tperabs 9.8 10.2 nS 2
Differential clock cycle-to-cycle jitter Tccjit - 150.0 pS -
Notes :
General Comment: The reference clock timings are based on 100 ohm test circuit.
General Comment: Refer to the PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification, Revision 1.1,
March 2005, section 2.1.3 for more information.
1. Defined on a single-ended signal.
2. Including jitter and spread spectrum.
3. Defined from -150 mV to +150 mV on the differential waveform.