402 | Chapter 24. Double VLANs and Private VLAN Groups
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
b. Scroll down and select the Interface 1/0/48 check box. Now 1/0/48 appears in the
Interface field at the top.
c. In the Admin Mode field, select Enable.
d. Click Apply to save the settings.
Private VLAN Groups
The private VLAN group allows you to create groups of users within a VLAN that cannot
communicate with members in different groups but only within the same group. There are two
modes for the private group. The mode can be either isolated or community. When in isolated
mode, the member port in the group cannot forward its egress traffic to any other members in
the same group. the default mode is community, in which each member port can forward
traffic to other members in the same group, but not to members in other groups. The following
examples shows how to create a private group.
The following example creates two groups. Group 1 is in community mode, and Group 2 is in
isolated mode.
Port 1/0/13
Layer 2 Switch
Port 1/0/17Port 1/0/6
Group 1 Group 2
Port 1/0/7 Port 1/0/16
Figure 43. Private VLAN groups in community mode and isolated mode