NETGEAR M7100 Switch User Manual

500 | Chapter 29. DHCP L2 Relay and L3 Relay
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
3. Create a routing interface connecting to the client.
(Netgear Switch) (Interface 1/0/16)#exit
4. Configure the DHCP Server IP address and enable the DHCP L3 relay.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#ip helper-address dhcp
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#ip helper enable
5. Redistribute and to the RIP such that RIP adviertises this route
to the DHCP server.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#router rip
(Netgear Switch) (Config-router)#redistribute connected
(Netgear Switch) (Config-router)#exit
Web Interface: Configure a DHCP L3 Relay
1. Enable routing mode on the switch.
a. Select Routing > IP > Basic > IP Configuration.
A screen similar to the following displays.
b. For Routing Mode, select the Enable radio button.
c. Click Apply.
2. Create a routing interface and assign to it.
a. Select Routing > IP >
Advanced > IP Interface Configuration.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#interface 1/0/16
(Netgear Switch) (Interface 1/0/16)#routing
(Netgear Switch) (Interface 1/0/16)#ip address