COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-152 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
This results form contains the following fields:
Displays the port number on the modem for which EIA status is listed on the screen.
Lists the EIA leads for which status is being reported.
For each port on a 3800 Series modem, the following EIA leads are displayed:
TXD Transmit Data
RXD Receive Data
RTS Request-To-Send
CTS Clear-To-Send
DSR Data Set Ready
LSD Line Signal Detect
DRI Data Rate Indicator
LL Local Loopback
DTR Data Terminal Ready
RL Remote Loopback
RI Ring Indicator
DRS Data Rate Selector
TM Test Mode
CRQ Call Request
DLO Data Line Occupied
DPR Digit Present
PND Present Next Digit
DSC Distant Station Connected
ACR Abandon Call and Retry
For each lead, one of the following status conditions is displayed:
on The lead is active. For RXD and TXD, this is displayed as space.
off The lead is inactive. For RXD and TXD, this is displayed as
chng The lead is in the process of changing from one status to another.
unk The lead is unequipped or unreadable.
The format of the results form varies based on the selected device type and number of ports. The
following are valid leads for the other devices that may be specified.