2Modem/DSU Commands
2-1576800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
Figure 2-50. End-to-End Test Input Form
This input form contains the following fields:
Control Device(s) (Required field)
Enter the control device(s) to participate in this test. For 3600 Series DSUs, only one
device can be specified. For other device models, one or more devices may be specified.
Standard addressing format applies to the input. For information on device addressing,
refer to Appendix D of the COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
User’s/System Administrator’s Guide.
Tributary Device(s) (Required field)
Enter the associated tributary device(s) to participate in this test. One or more devices
may be specified. Standard addressing format applies to the input. For information on
device addressing, refer to Appendix D of the COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network
Management System User’s/System Administrator’s Guide.
Number of blocks (Required field)
Enter the number of blocks, from 1 through 32000, to be transmitted for this test. The
default is 100.
Port number (Required field)
Enter the port number from which the test will be initiated.
For 3400/4400 Series modems, valid entries are from 1 through 4.
For 3600 Series devices, valid entries are from 1 through 6 or a.
For DATAPHONE II devices, the only valid entry is 1.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections. The default is 1.