COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
1-12 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Causes the command to execute on a monthly basis. When you enter monthly into the
Schedule execution field, the system displays the following fields:
Day(s) of the month
Enter the day(s) of the month when this command is to execute. Valid entries are
as follows:
• Multiple days. The numbers must be separated by commas or spaces,
e.g., 1,4,7,10.
• A range of days, e.g., 8-15.
• The keyword last to execute the command on the last day of the current
• The keyword all to execute the command each day of the current
Enter the time(s) the command is to execute for each day specified. For time(s)
format, refer to the Time(s) field explanation for delayed command execution.
Last date
Enter the stop date for execution of the command. If you leave this field blank,
the command will execute on a monthly basis indefinitely. The last date must
occur after the first scheduled date.
For date entry parameters refer to the Date(s) field explanation for delayed
command execution.
Results Forms
Each modem/DSU command is associated with one or more results forms. Depending on the
command issued, the results form(s) can display a success or failure message for command
execution, reflect the changes made for a device as a result of the command execution, and display
detailed information (e.g., health and status statistics) for the specified device(s). A results form
trailer message indicates start and stop times for command execution. Figure 1-3 shows an
example of a results form for the Circuit Loss Inbound (cli) command, which is used to measure
the inbound circuit loss to a specified COMSPHERE APL modem or DATAPHONE II APL device
from an associated tributary. The results form for this command reflects the tone frequency
specified and the decibel (dB) level of the inbound signal loss for the device(s) specified.