COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-190 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Tributary device
Entry into this field is required only if the selected mode is start. Enter the tributary
device to be involved in this test. Standard addressing format applies to the input. For
information on device addressing, refer to Appendix D of the COMSPHERE 6800 Series
Network Management System User’s/System Administrator’s Guide.
Receive Signal Spectrum Results Form
The Receive Signal Spectrum results form displays device information for the control and tributary
device specified and the requested mode (start, abort, display). If the requested mode was start
or abort, the results form displays a text message indicating whether or not the command was
successfully executed. If the requested mode was display, the results form lists each of the
frequencies at which the test was performed, and the received signal level (in dBm) measured at
each of those frequencies. Figure 2-61 is a sample of the Receive Signal Spectrum results form for
the display mode.
Figure 2-61. Receive Signal Spectrum Results Form (Display)