COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-66 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Subsequent input forms display the set of port speeds applicable to the selected device.
Different input forms are displayed, depending on the device to which the command is
Page 2 and so on display the port speed(s) for the specified device(s). Port speed
descriptions for APL models can be found in the individual device user guides.
Page 2
This input form contains the following fields:
Device speed (Display field)
Indicates the possible aggregate speeds at which the modem can be set.
Port speed
Set the desired speed of each port on the modem for the displayed aggregate speed
(displayed as the Device speed value on the form). The total speed of the ports cannot
exceed the modem’s aggregate speed.
You can configure the individual port speeds at different rates for each modem speed
displayed. This ability enables you to reconfigure the individual modem port speeds in the
event the modem’s aggregate speed falls back.
For example, assume you are using the modem at the optimum aggregate speed of
9600 bps, with each port set to 2400 bps. However, if the modem speed falls back to
7200, you may decide that it is more critical that the data coming from Ports 1, 2, and 3 be
transmitted at the same speed of 2400 bps. Therefore, you set the speeds of Ports 1, 2, and
3 to 2400 and set the speed of Port 4 to zero.
Observe the following restrictions when determining port speeds:
• Any port that has been configured to receive an external clock source must
always be active; the port speed can never be zero.
• For modems set in the CCITT Modulation mode, do not set any of the port
speeds to 1200 bps or below.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.
The final Change Port Speed(s) input form displays the following field:
Set CCN event (Required field)
If configuration change notification has been enabled for this modem, use this field to
determine whether or not this configuration change will be reported to the NMS.
Enter yes to report this change to the NMS.
Enter no (default) to prevent this change from being reported to the NMS.
If configuration change notification has been disabled for this modem, configuration
changes are not reported to the NMS regardless of what is entered in this field.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.