COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-156 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
End-to-End Test (eet)
Use the eet command to test the primary data channel between a specified COMSPHERE
3400/4400 Series control modem, a COMSPHERE 3600 Series DSU, a COMSPHERE
3600 Series DBM, a DATAPHONE II APL modem or DSU, and a tributary.
This command checks for transmission errors in a specified number of blocks. The blocks are sent
from the control device to the tributary, then back. Both control and tributary devices check the
transmission for errors, with the control device counting the errors in each direction. Intermediate
results are displayed every 256 blocks.
For most commands, NMS enables you to specify the destination for the command’s results and
schedule its execution. If the last page of the input form cannot accommodate the Destination for
results and Schedule execution fields, an additional page is provided. For a complete description
of these fields, refer to Chapter 1, Introduction.
Access Level: Data Technician, Manager, System Administrator
Abbreviation: eet
Alternate: ee
Restrictions: End-to-end testing of multiple links consisting solely of COMSPHERE
devices or solely of DATAPHONE II devices is supported by this
command; a mix of COMSPHERE and DATAPHONE II devices is not
Routine: Yes
Schedule: Yes
Related Commands: None
End-to-End Test Input Form
A sample End-to-End Test input form is shown in Figure 2-50.