COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-42 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Set CCN event:
If configuration change notification has been enabled for this device, use this field to
determine whether or not this configuration change will be reported to the NMS.
Enter yes to report this change to the NMS.
Enter no (default) to prevent this change from being reported to the NMS.
If configuration change notification has been disabled for this modem, configuration
changes are not reported to the NMS regardless of what is entered here
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.
Page 2
Figure 2-12 is a sample of the input form that displays when you specify a 3400/4400 Series APL
modem with DBM.
Figure 2-12. Change Call Directory Input Form for a
3400/4400 Series APL Modem with DBM, Page 2
If the specified device is operating in Advanced mode, the input form displays all call directory
entries. If the device is operating in DATAPHONE II mode, the input form displays only the
specified directory entry.