COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-68 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Change Protocol Mode (chpm)
Use the chpm command to change the protocol mode of a COMSPHERE device (3400/4400 Series
modem, 3600 Series DSU, or 3600 Series DBM) and all of its downstream devices. The Change
Protocol Mode (chpm) command will generally be used to change the diagnostic mode of
COMSPHERE devices from dataphone II to advanced.
Before executing this command, be sure there are no active faults
on the local control device or on the circuit, and that there are no
devices in test mode. If there are, use the abort command or wait
until the test is completed before executing the
When the chpm command is executed, the 6800 Series causes the following events to occur:
• A subnetwork abort is issued to the specified control device.
• The diagnostic mode of the control device and all downstream devices on the circuit are
• The new link level addresses of the control device and all of the downstream devices are
calculated and checked for uniqueness.
• Device profiles are updated with new link level and alternate mode addresses and the link
level address of the associated DBM is also updated.
• The System polling field in the control device’s profile is set to cc active. (If the control
device should be skipped during polling, execute the Edit Device Profile (eddp) command to
change the System polling field to skipped. (For an affected downstream device, if the
System polling field of its device profile was set to extended poll, this value will be
changed to skipped.)
For most commands, NMS enables you to specify the destination for the command’s results and
schedule its execution. If the last page of the input form cannot accommodate the Destination for
results and Schedule execution fields, an additional page is provided. For a complete description
of these fields, refer to Chapter 1, Introduction.