MC9000-G Product Reference Guide for Embedded Windows® CE .NET
Program Tag
This option can be used to program Gen2 and Class 1 RFID tags.
Gen2, Class 0 and Class 1 tags can be programmed, erased, locked and killed. Each tag contains 88
or 120 bits, which includes the EPC number (64 or 96 bits), CRC, and Kill Code. When programming
Class 1 tags, only an array of bits, 64 or 96, need to be provided. Locking, and killing tags requires a
Kill Code which is 1 byte (8 bits) long. Since a tag has a very small Kill Code, and can be thwarted
with many lock/kill attempts, it shuts down after a failed attempt for a extended amount of time
(possibly up to 10 hours). In addition, data can be collected by decoding in-range EPC Class 1 RFID
For detailed information about programming tags, refer to the SMDK Help
To program RFID tags.
1. Tap in the Gemini RFID window or tap Mode - Program Tag.
Figure 5-32. RFID - Program Tag Window
2. Select the Class: 1 radio button to program Class 1 tags.
3. In the text box below the tag icon, enter an 8-byte (64 bits) or 12-byte (96 bits) hex string to
be programmed into the tag. This string can contain any number from 0-9, and a letter from
A-F. Each byte must consist of two characters.
For example, if the tag should contain 80012390ACFD3617, type 80 01 23 90 AAC FD 36 17
as shown in Figure 5-32.
Tag ID
(Hex string)
Status Message
test box
Indicates the
number of bits