Revision History
Changes to the previous manual are listed below:
Change Date Description
-02 to -03 1/15/04 Updated Operating system to Win CE 4.2. Added new screens and menus,
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.
Updated Chapter 6, to include Mobile Companion upgrade from version 3.9.1 to
version 3.9.2.
-03 to -04 6/18/04 Added new 28-Key keypad configurations in Chapter 2 and Appendix B.
Updated Chapter 3, to include new Bluetooth setup and to include new Power
Updated Chapter 6, to include additional Mobile Companion upgrades for version
Added new MDM9000 Modem Module to Chapter 7, Accessories.
-04 to -05 9/13/04 Added new RFID mobile computer, capable of reading RFID tags. Added the RFID
MC configuration, added new figure to show RFID antenna, updated the Data
Capture section to include RFID tag scanning, added new RFID Demo description,
and added RFID MC Troubleshooting.
-05 to -06 12/06/04 Added Imager Reader Parameters to Chapter 3.
Added Meetinghouse AEGIS Client reference to Chapter 6.
Added new Chapter 10, Rapid Deployment.
-06 to -07 6/06/05 Added RFID WJ update.
Changed battery voltage in Table A-1 from 7.2V to 7.4V.
-07 to -08 3/06/06 Added RFID Gen2 update.