Symbol Technologies MC9000-G Barcode Reader User Manual

Router A device that connects networks and supports the required
protocols for packet filtering. Routers are typically used to
extend the range of cabling and to organize the topology of
a network into subnets. See Subnet.
RS-232 An Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard that
defines the connector, connector pins, and signals used to
transfer data serially from one device to another.
Scan Area Area intended to contain a symbol.
Scanner An electronic device used to scan bar code symbols and
produce a digitized pattern that corresponds to the bars and
spaces of the symbol. Its three main components are:
1. Light source (laser or photoelectric cell) - illuminates a
bar code.
2. Photodetector - registers the difference in reflected light
(more light reflected from spaces).
3. Signal conditioning circuit - transforms optical detector
output into a digitized bar pattern.
Scanning Mode The scanner is energized, programmed and ready to read a
bar code.
Scanning Sequence A method of programming or configuring parameters for a
bar code reading system by scanning bar code menus.
SMDK Software MobilityDevelopment Kit
Self-Checking Code A symbology that uses a checking algorithm to detect
encoding errors within the characters of a bar code symbol.
Shared Key Shared Key authentication is an algorithm where both the
AP and the MU share an authentication key.
SHIP Symbol Host Interface Program.
SMDK Symbol Mobility Developer Kit.
Soft Reset See Warm Boot.
Space The lighter element of a bar code formed by the background
between bars.
Spectrum24 Symbol’s frequency-hopping, spread spectrum cellular
Spectrum One Symbol’s implementation of the Spread Spectrum wireless
network, utilizing direct sequencing.