AMT Datasouth ACCEL-6300 Printer User Manual

User's Guide
6-6 Solving Problems
Corrective actions: Press the Ready button to pause printing and then
the Clear button twice to clear the data input buffer. Perform one of the
following actions:
9 If you do not have the correct emulation, you must configure your
software to request an available printer emulation. To determine
these emulations, print a Printer Status Report or just press the Emul
button on the control panel. After the configuration change, restart
the print job from the beginning.
This error message appears when your computer tries to select a font
that is not in the installed FLASH memory. When this message displays,
the printer beeps and printing continues.
Corrective actions: Press the Ready button to pause printing and then
the Clear button twice to clear the data input buffer. Perform one of the
following actions:
9 If you do not have the missing font, you must change the print job to
request an available font. To determine these fonts, press the Font
button on the control panel. After the change, restart the print job
from the beginning.
User's Guide
6-6 Solving Problems
Corrective actions: Press the Ready button to pause printing and then
the Clear button twice to clear the data input buffer. Perform one of the
following actions:
9 If you do not have the correct emulation, you must configure your
software to request an available printer emulation. To determine
these emulations, print a Printer Status Report or just press the Emul
button on the control panel. After the configuration change, restart
the print job from the beginning.
This error message appears when your computer tries to select a font
that is not in the installed FLASH memory. When this message displays,
the printer beeps and printing continues.
Corrective actions: Press the Ready button to pause printing and then
the Clear button twice to clear the data input buffer. Perform one of the
following actions:
9 If you do not have the missing font, you must change the print job to
request an available font. To determine these fonts, press the Font
button on the control panel. After the change, restart the print job
from the beginning.