User’s Guide for the Magna™ Class Printer
Each time you start using Japanese-language characters, or stop
using them, the driver adds a hidden character. Each hidden
character reduces, by one, the number of characters you can encode.
Magnetic Stripe settings used by the
Magna Class printer
The following table presents technical details that apply to encoding
magnetic stripe data.
Character Differential 32 48 48 0 0
Start Sentinel (SS)
(ASCII character)
% (37) ; (59) ; (59) 127 None
End Sentinel (ES)
(ASCII character)
? (63) ? (63) ? (63) 127 None
Lowest ASCII Character space (32) 0 (48) 0 (48) (1) 0
Highest ASCII Character _ (95) ? (63) ? (63) (126) 255
Character-level parity (VRC) Odd Odd Odd Even None
Cumulative parity (LRC) Even Even Even Even None
Density in bits per inch 210 75 210 210 210
Data bits per character6 4478
Maximum number of
encodable characters (not
including start and end
sentinel or LRC)
76 37 104 69 33
Encoding direction SS first SS first SS first ES last SS first
Start sentinel adjustment 310 320 310 310 310
MagnaUserGuide.book Page 3 Friday, May 5, 2000 1:09 PM