Dell Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 Network Hardware User Manual

42 | Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 User’s Guide
Configuration Tab
Name Description
Apply Changes Button Saves the changes to the configuration.
Bypassed Button Displays a pop-up window with a list of connections that have
either been excluded from the acceleration process or failed. This
button is greyed out if these conditions are not present.
Enable TCP Acceleration Enables or disables the TCP Acceleration service. This is selected
by default.
TCP Acceleration Mode Selects how the service object is used. Either as services to be
accelerated or as services to be excluded from acceleration.
TCP Acceleration Service Object Selects service objects for the TCP Acceleration service. To add
new service objects to the drop-down list, navigate to Network >
Address Objects and create new service objects.
Note: The option for choosing a TCP Acceleration service object is
greyed out if the TCP Acceleration mode does not support it.
Address object always excluded from
TCP Acceleration
Selects address objects to always exclude from the TCP Accelera-
tion service. To add an address object to the drop-down list, navi-
gate to Network > Address Objects and create new address