Example of the advertise-interval Command
Example of Verifying the Configured Advertisement Interval
The following example shows how to change the advertise interval using the advertise-interval
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)#vrrp-group 111
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1-vrid-111)#advertise-interval 10
The following example shows how to verify the advertise interval change using the show conf
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1-vrid-111)#show conf
vrrp-group 111
advertise-interval 10
authentication-type simple 7 387a7f2df5969da4
no preempt
priority 255
Track an Interface or Object
You can set the Dell Networking OS to monitor the state of any interface according to the virtual group.
Each VRRP group can track up to 12 interfaces and up to 20 additional objects, which may affect the
priority of the VRRP group. If the tracked interface goes down, the VRRP group’s priority decreases by a
default value of 10 (also known as cost). If the tracked interface’s state goes up, the VRRP group’s priority
increases by 10.
The lowered priority of the VRRP group may trigger an election. As the Master/Backup VRRP routers are
selected based on the VRRP group’s priority, tracking features ensure that the best VRRP router is the
Master for that group. The sum of all the costs of all the tracked interfaces must be less than the
configured priority on the VRRP group. If the VRRP group is configured as Owner router (priority 255),
tracking for that group is disabled, irrespective of the state of the tracked interfaces. The priority of the
owner group always remains at 255.
For a virtual group, you can track the line-protocol state or the routing status of any of the following
interfaces with the interface interface parameter:
• 40 Gigabit Ethernet: enter fortygigabitethernet slot/port in the track interface command
(shown in the following example).
• 10 Gigabit Ethernet: enter tengigabitethernet slot/port.
• Port channel: enter port-channel number.
• VLAN: enter vlan vlan-id where valid VLAN IDs are from 1 to 4094.
For a virtual group, you can also track the status of a configured object (the track object-id
command) by entering its object number.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)