Configure BFD
This section contains the following procedures.
• Configure BFD for Physical Ports
• Configure BFD for Port-Channels
• Configure BFD for Static Routes
• Configure BFD for OSPF
• Configure BFD for OSPFv3
• Configure BFD for BGP
• Configure BFD for VRRP
• Configure BFD for VLANs
• Configuring Protocol Liveness
• Troubleshooting BFD
Configure BFD for Physical Ports
BFD on physical ports is useful when you do not enable the routing protocol.
Without BFD, if the remote system fails, the local system does not remove the connected route until the
first failed attempt to send a packet. When you enable BFD, the local system removes the route as soon
as it stops receiving periodic control packets from the remote system.
Configuring BFD for a physical port is a two-step process:
1. Enable BFD globally. Refer to Enabling BFD Globally.
2. Establish a session with a next-hop neighbor.
Related Configuration Tasks
• Changing Physical Port Session Parameters.
• Disabling and Re-Enabling BFD.
Enabling BFD Globally
You must enable BFD globally on both routers.
To enable the BFD globally, use the following command.
• Enable BFD globally.
bfd enable
Example of Verifying BFD is Enabled
To verify that BFD is enabled globally, use the show running bfd command.
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)