– ipv6-selection— Set the IPV6 key fields to use in hash computation.
– tunnel— Set the tunnel key fields to use in hash computation.
Hash Algorithm
The load-balance command selects the hash criteria applied to port channels.
If even distribution is not obtained with the load-balance command, the hash-algorithm command can
be used to select the hash scheme for LAG, ECMP and NH-ECMP. The 12 bit Lag Hash can be rotated or
shifted till the desired hash is achieved.
The nh-ecmp option allows you to change the hash value for recursive ECMP routes independently of
non-recursive ECMP routes. This option provides for better traffic distribution over available equal cost
links that involve a recursive next hop lookup.
Change the default (0) to another algorithm and apply it to ECMP, LAG hashing, or a particular line card.
hash-algorithm {algorithm-number} | {ecmp {checksum|crc|xor} [number]} lag
{checksum|crc|xor][number]}nh-ecmp {[checksum|crc|xor] [number]}}| {linecard
number ip-sa-mask value ip-da-mask value}
NOTE: To achieve the functionality of hash-align on the ExaScale platform, do not use CRC as an
hash-algorithm method. For ExaScale systems, set the default hash-algorithm method to ensure
CRC is not used for LAG. For example, hash-algorithm ecmp xor lag checksum nh-ecmp
Example of hash algorithm
Dell(conf)##hash-algorithm ecmp xor 26 lag crc 26 nh-ecmp checksum 26
The hash-algorithm command is specific to ECMP groups and has different defaults from the E-Series.
The default ECMP hash configuration is crc-lower. This takes the lower 32 bits of the hash key to
compute the egress port. Other options for ECMP hash-algorithms are:
• crc-upper — uses the upper 32 bits of the hash key to compute the egress port
• dest-ip — uses destination IP address as part of the hash key
• lsb — always uses the least significant bit of the hash key to compute the egress port
To change to another method, use the following command in the CONFIGURATION mode: hash-
algorithm ecmp {crc-upper} | {dest-ip} | {lsb}
For more information on the algorithm choices, refer to the IP Routing chapter of the Dell Networking
OS Command Reference.
Server Ports
By default, the MXL switch allows the server ports to come up as switch ports in no shut mode, ready to
switch traffic.