To define an interface-range macro, use the following command.
• Defines the interface-range macro and saves it in the running configuration file.
define interface-range macro_name {vlan vlan_ID - vlan_ID} |
{{tengigabitethernet | fortyGigE} slot/ interface - interface} [ , {vlan
vlan_ID - vlan_ID} {{tengigabitethernet | fortyGigE} slot/interface -
Define the Interface Range
The following example shows how to define an interface-range macro named “test” to select Fast
Ethernet interfaces 5/1 through 5/4.
Example of the define interface-range Command for Macros
Dell(config)# define interface-range test tengigabitethernet 5/1 - 4
Choosing an Interface-Range Macro
To use an interface-range macro, use the following command.
• Selects the interfaces range to be configured using the values saved in a named interface-range
interface range macro name
Example of Using a Macro to Change the Interface Range Configuration Mode
The following example shows how to change to the interface-range configuration mode using the
interface-range macro named “test.”
Dell(config)# interface range macro test
Monitoring and Maintaining Interfaces
Monitor interface statistics with the monitor interface command. This command displays an ongoing
list of the interface status (up/down), number of packets, traffic statistics, and so on.
To view the interface’s statistics, use the following command.
• View the interface’s statistics.
EXEC Privilege mode
monitor interface interface
Enter the type of interface and slot/port information:
– For a 100/1000/10000 Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernet then the
slot/port information.