Dell MXL 10/40GbE Switch User Manual

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To define an interface-range macro, use the following command.
Defines the interface-range macro and saves it in the running configuration file.
define interface-range macro_name {vlan vlan_ID - vlan_ID} |
{{tengigabitethernet | fortyGigE} slot/ interface - interface} [ , {vlan
vlan_ID - vlan_ID} {{tengigabitethernet | fortyGigE} slot/interface -
Define the Interface Range
The following example shows how to define an interface-range macro named “test” to select Fast
Ethernet interfaces 5/1 through 5/4.
Example of the define interface-range Command for Macros
Dell(config)# define interface-range test tengigabitethernet 5/1 - 4
Choosing an Interface-Range Macro
To use an interface-range macro, use the following command.
Selects the interfaces range to be configured using the values saved in a named interface-range
interface range macro name
Example of Using a Macro to Change the Interface Range Configuration Mode
The following example shows how to change to the interface-range configuration mode using the
interface-range macro named “test.”
Dell(config)# interface range macro test
Monitoring and Maintaining Interfaces
Monitor interface statistics with the monitor interface command. This command displays an ongoing
list of the interface status (up/down), number of packets, traffic statistics, and so on.
To view the interface’s statistics, use the following command.
View the interface’s statistics.
EXEC Privilege mode
monitor interface interface
Enter the type of interface and slot/port information:
For a 100/1000/10000 Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernet then the
slot/port information.