Management TLVs
A management TLV is an optional TLVs sub-type. This kind of TLV contains essential management
information about the sender.
Organizationally Specific TLVs
A professional organization or a vendor can define organizationally specific TLVs. They have two
mandatory fields (as shown in the following illustration) in addition to the basic TLV fields.
• Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI)—a unique number assigned by the IEEE to an organization or
• OUI Sub-type—These sub-types indicate the kind of information in the following data field. The sub-
types are determined by the owner of the OUI.
Figure 72. Organizationally Specific TLV
IEEE Organizationally Specific TLVs
Eight TLV types have been defined by the IEEE 802.1 and 802.3 working groups as a basic part of LLDP;
the IEEE OUI is 00-80-C2. You can configure the Dell Networking system to advertise any or all of these
Table 33. Optional TLV Types
Type TLV Description
Optional TLVs
4 Port description A user-defined alphanumeric
string that describes the port. The
Dell Networking OS does not
currently support this TLV.
5 System name A user-defined alphanumeric
string that identifies the system.
6 System description A user-defined alphanumeric
string that identifies the system.
7 System capabilities Identifies the chassis as one or
more of the following: repeater,
bridge, WLAN Access Point,
Router, Telephone, DOCSIS cable
device, end station only, or other.
8 Management address Indicates the network address of
the management interface. The
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)