The MXL switch system supports the management Ethernet interface as well as the standard interface on
any front-end port. You can use either method to connect to the system.
Configuring Management Interfaces on the MXL Switch
On the MXL Switch IO Module, the dedicated management interface provides management access to the
You can configure this interface with the Dell Networking OS, but the configuration options on this
interface are limited. You cannot configure Gateway addresses and IP addresses if it appears in the main
routing table of the Dell Networking OS. In addition, proxy ARP is not supported on this interface.
To configure a management interface, use the following commands.
For additional management access, IOM supports the default VLAN (VLAN 1) L3 interface in addition to
the public fabric D management interface. You can assign the IP address for the VLAN 1 default
management interface using the setup wizard (or) through the CLI.
If you do not configure the VLAN 1 default using the wizard or CLI presented in startup-config, by default,
the VLAN 1 management interface gets its IP address using DHCP.
There is only one management interface for the whole stack.
You can manage the MXL Switch from any port. Configure an IP address for the port using the ip
address command. Enable the IP address for the port using the no shutdown command. You can use
description command from INTERFACE mode to note that the interface is the management
interface. There is no separate management routing table, so you must configure all routes in the IP
routing table (use the ip route command).
• Enter the slot and the port (0) to configure a Management interface.
interface managementethernet interface
The slot range is 0–0.
• Configure an IP address and mask on a Management interface.
ip address ip-address mask
– ip-address mask: enter an address in dotted-decimal format (A.B.C.D). The mask must be in /
prefix format (/x).
Example of the show interface Command
To display the configuration for a given port, use the show interface command from EXEC Privilege
mode, as shown in the following example.
To display the routing table for a given port, use the show ip route command from EXEC Privilege
Dell#show int tengig 0/16
TenGigabitEthernet 0/16 is up, line protocol is down
Hardware is DellForce10Eth, address is 00:1e:c9:bb:02:c2
Current address is 00:1e:c9:bb:02:c2