Configure the VLT interconnect (VLTi).
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf)#interface port-channel 100
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-if-po-100)#no ip address
channel-member fortyGigE 0/46,50
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-if-po-100)#no shutdown
Configure the port channel to an attached device.
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf)#interface port-channel 110
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-if-po-110)#no ip address
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-if-po-110)#channel-member fortyGigE 0/48
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-if-po-110)#no shutdown
Dell_VLTpeer2(conf-if-po-110)#vlt-peer-lag port-channel 110
Verify that the port channels used in the VLT domain are assigned to the same VLAN.
Dell_VLTpeer2# show vlan id 10
Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs, P - Primary, C - Community, I -
Q: U - Untagged, T - Tagged
x - Dot1x untagged, X - Dot1x tagged
G - GVRP tagged, M - Vlan-stack, H - Hyperpull tagged
NUM Status Description Q Ports
10 Active U Po110(Fo 0/48)
T Po100(Fo 0/46,50)
Verifying a Port-Channel Connection to a VLT Domain (From an Attached
Access Switch)
On an access device, verify the port-channel connection to a VLT domain.
Dell_TORswitch(conf)# show running-config interface port-channel 11
interface Port-channel 11
no ip address
channel-member fortyGigE 1/18,22
no shutdown
Troubleshooting VLT
To help troubleshoot different VLT issues that may occur, use the following information.
NOTE: For information on VLT Failure mode timing and its impact, contact your Dell Networking
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)