Router Priority and Cost
Router priority and cost is the method the system uses to “rate” the routers.
For example, if not assigned, the system selects the router with the highest priority as the DR. The second
highest priority is the BDR.
• Priority is a numbered rating 0 to 255. The higher the number, the higher the priority.
• Cost is a numbered rating 1 to 65535. The higher the number, the greater the cost. The cost assigned
reflects the cost should the router fail. When a router fails and the cost is assessed, a new priority
number results.
Figure 96. Priority and Cost Examples
OSPF with the Dell Networking OS
The Dell Networking OS supports up to 10,000 OSPF routes for OSPFv2. Within that 10,000 routes, you
can designate up to 8,000 routes as external and up to 2,000 as inter/intra area routes.
The Dell Networking OS version and later supports multiple OSPF processes (OSPF MP). The MXL
switch supports up to 16 processes simultaneously.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv2 and OSPFv3)