Dell MXL 10/40GbE Switch User Manual

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of 1094
Global default sampling rate: 32768
Global default counter polling interval: 20
1 collectors configured
Collector IP addr:, Agent IP addr:, UDP port: 6343
77 UDP packets exported
0 UDP packets dropped
165 sFlow samples collected
69 sFlow samples dropped due to sub-sampling
Displaying Show sFlow on an Interface
To view sFlow information on a specific interface, use the following command.
Display sFlow configuration information and statistics on a specific interface.
EXEC mode
show sflow interface interface-name
Example of Viewing sFlow Configuration (Interface)
Dell#show sflow interface gigabitethernet 1/16
Tengig 1/16
Configured sampling rate :8192
Actual sampling rate :8192
Sub-sampling rate :2
Counter polling interval :15
Samples rcvd from h/w :33
Samples dropped for sub-sampling :6
Displaying Show sFlow on a Stack Unit
To view sFlow statistics on a specified stack unit, use the following command.
Display sFlow configuration information and statistics on the specified interface.
EXEC mode
show sflow stack-unit unit-number
Example of Viewing sFlow Configuration (Stack Unit)
Dell#show sflow stack-unit 1
Stack-Unit 1
Samples rcvd from h/w :0
Total UDP packets exported :0
UDP packets exported via RPM :0
UDP packets dropped :0
Configuring Specify Collectors
The sflow collector command allows identification of sFlow collectors to which sFlow datagrams are
You can specify up to two sFlow collectors. If you specify two collectors, the samples are sent to both.