Display Information About User Roles
This section describes how to display information about user roles.
This sections consists of the following topics:
• Displaying User Roles
• Displaying Information About Roles Logged into the Switch
• Displaying Active Accounting Sessions for Roles
Displaying User Roles
To display user roles using the show userrole command in EXEC Privilege mode, use the show
userroles and show users commands in EXEC privilege mode.
Examples of Displaying User Roles
Dell#show userroles
Role Inheritance Modes
netoperator Exec
netadmin Exec Config Interface Line Router IP Routemap
Protocol MAC
secadmin Exec Config
sysadmin Exec Config Interface Line Router IP Routemap
Protocol MAC
testadmin netadmin Exec Config Interface Line Router IP Routemap
Protocol MAC
Displaying Role Permissions Assigned to a Command
To display permissions assigned to a command, use the show role command in EXEC Privilege mode.
The output displays the user role and or permission level.
Examples of Role Permissions Assigned to a Command
Dell#show role mode ?
configure Global configuration mode
exec Exec Mode
interface Interface configuration mode
line Line Configuration mode
route-map Route map configuration mode
router Router configuration mode
Dell#show role mode configure username
Role access: sysadmin
Dell##show role mode configure password-attributes
Role access: secadmin,sysadmin
Dell#show role mode configure interface
Role access: netadmin, sysadmin
Dell#show role mode configure line
Role access: netadmin,sysadmin
Displaying Information About Users Logged into the Switch
To display information on all users logged into the switch, using the show users command in EXEC
Privilege mode. The output displays privilege level and/or user role. The mode is displayed at the start of