
Figure 120. Stack-Group on an MXL 10/40GbE Switch
Configuring a Switch Stack
Configuring a switch stack is a four step process.
To configure and bring up a switch stack, follow these steps:
1. Connect the switches to be stacked with 40G direct attach or QSFP fibre cables.
2. Configure the stacking ports on each switch.
3. All switches must be booted together.
4. (Optional) Configure management priorities, unit numbers, or logical provisioning for stack units.
Stacking Prerequisites
Before you cable and configure a stack of MXL 10/40GbE switches, review the following prerequisites.
All MXL 10/40GbE switches in the stack must be powered up with the initial or startup configuration
before you attach the cables.
All stacked MXL 10/40GbE switches must run the same Dell Networking OS version. The minimum
Dell networking OS version required is To check the version that a switch is running, use the
show version command. To download a Dell Networking OS version, go to http://www.dell.com/