Figure 37. FIP Snooping on an MXL 10/40GbE Switch
The following sections describe how to configure the FIP snooping feature on a switch that functions as
a FIP snooping bridge so that it can perform the following functions:
• Perform FIP snooping (allowing and parsing FIP frames) globally on all VLANs or on a per-VLAN basis.
• To assign a MAC address to an FCoE end-device (server ENode or storage device) after a server
successfully logs in, set the FCoE MAC address prefix (FC-MAP) value an FCF uses.
• To provide more port security on ports that are directly connected to an FCF and have links to other
FIP snooping bridges, set the FCF or Bridge-to-Bridge Port modes.
• To ensure that they are operationally active, check FIP snooping-enabled VLANs.
• Process FIP VLAN discovery requests and responses, advertisements, solicitations, FLOGI/FDISC
requests and responses, FLOGO requests and responses, keep-alive packets, and clear virtual-link
FCoE Transit