• description
• shutdown/no shutdown
• mtu
• ip mtu (if the interface is on a Jumbo-enabled by default)
NOTE: The MXL switch supports jumbo frames by default (the default maximum transmission unit
[MTU] is 1554 bytes) You can configure the MTU using the
mtu command from INTERFACE mode.
To view the interface’s configuration, enter INTERFACE mode for that interface and use the show
config command or from EXEC Privilege mode, use the show running-config interface
interface command.
To add a physical interface to a port, use the following commands.
1. Add the interface to a port channel.
channel-member interface
The interface variable is the physical interface type and slot/port information.
2. Double check that the interface was added to the port channel.
show config
Example of the show interfaces port-channel brief Command
Example of the show interface port-channel Command
Example of Error Due to an Attempt to Configure an Interface that is Part of a Port Channel
To view the port channel’s status and channel members in a tabular format, use the show interfaces
port-channel brief command in EXEC Privilege mode, as shown in the following example.
Dell#show int port brief
Codes: L - LACP Port-channel
LAG Mode Status Uptime Ports
1 L3 down 00:00:00 Te 0/16 (Down)
The following example shows the port channel’s mode (L2 for Layer 2 and L3 for Layer 3 and L2L3 for a
Layer 2-port channel assigned to a routed VLAN), the status, and the number of interfaces belonging to
the port channel.
Dell#show int port-channel
Port-channel 1 is down, line protocol is down
Hardware address is 00:1e:c9:f1:00:05, Current address is 00:1e:c9:f1:00:05
Interface index is 1107755009
Minimum number of links to bring Port-channel up is 1
Internet address is not set
Mode of IP Address Assignment : NONE
DHCP Client-ID :lag1001ec9f10005
MTU 1554 bytes, IP MTU 1500 bytes
LineSpeed auto
Members in this channel: Te 0/16(D)
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00