Enabling Directed Broadcast
By default, the system drops directed broadcast packets destined for an interface. This default setting
provides some protection against denial of service (DoS) attacks.
To enable the system to receive directed broadcasts, use the following command.
• Enable directed broadcast.
ip directed-broadcast
To view the configuration, use the show config command in INTERFACE mode.
Resolution of Host Names
Domain name service (DNS) maps host names to IP addresses. This feature simplifies such commands as
Telnet and FTP by allowing you to enter a name instead of an IP address.
Dynamic resolution of host names is disabled by default. Unless you enable the feature, the system
resolves only host names entered into the host table with the ip host command.
The following sections describe DNS and the resolution of host names.
• Enabling Dynamic Resolution of Host Names
• Specifying the Local System Domain and a List of Domains
• Configuring DNS with Traceroute
Enabling Dynamic Resolution of Host Names
By default, dynamic resolution of host names (DNS) is disabled.
To enable DNS, use the following commands.
• Enable dynamic resolution of host names.
ip domain-lookup
• Specify up to six name servers.
ip name-server ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address6]
The order you entered the servers determines the order of their use.
Example of the show hosts Command
To view current bindings, use the show hosts command.
Dell>show host
Default domain is force10networks.com
Name/address lookup uses domain service
IPv4 Routing