98 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
is not between the On and Off positions, and inactive
whenever the axis is between the two positions. However,
the PLS.#.Status will not turn on until it reaches the
OnPosn the first time.
PLS On Point
PLS.#.Status will be active when the selected source
position is between the PLS.#.OnPosn and the
PLS.#.OffPosn. The terms On and Off assume the motor is
traveling in a positive direction. Assume that the
PLS.#.Direction is set to "Both". When traveling in the
positive direction and the position feedback reaches the
OnPosn, the PLS.#.Status will activate. As the motor
continues in the same direction, the PLS.#.Status will
deactivate when feedback position reaches or exceeds the
OffPosn. If motor travel changes to the negative direction,
the PLS.#.Status will activate when position feedback
reaches the OffPosn, and will deactivate when it continues
past the OnPosn. The important thing to remember is that
the PLS.#.Status will be active if between the PLS On and
Off points.
If using negative values for your OnPosn and OffPosn, the
most negative value should go in the OnPosn parameter,
and the least negative value should go in the OffPosn.
If the PLS has a rollover point, and the OnPosn is greater
than the OffPosn, the PLS will be active whenever the axis
is not between the On and Off positions, and inactive
whenever the axis is between the two positions. However,
the PLS.#.Status will not turn on until it reaches the
OnPosn the first time.
PLS Enable
This destination is used to enable an individual PLS. A PLS
can be enabled though the Assignments view in
PowerTools Pro or from a program. If enabled, the PLS will
begin to function as soon as the drive has been homed or
a DefineHome destination has been activated. Master
Posn Valid must be active (Master Define Home is
activated) if using a master signal for PLS source.
PLS Rollover Enable
This parameter is used to enable the RotaryRolloverPosn
for the individual PLS.
PLS Rollover Position
This parameter is the absolute position of the first repeat
position for this PLS. When enabled it causes the PLS to
repeat every time this distance is passed. The repeating
range begins at an absolute position of zero and ends at
the RotaryRolloverPosn. For example in a rotary
application a PLS could be setup with an OnPosn of 90
degrees and an OffPosn of 100 degrees. If the
RotaryRolloverPosn is set to 360 degrees the PLS would
come on at 90, go off at 100, go on at 450 (360+90), go off
at 460 (360+100), go on at 810 (2*360+90), go off at 820
(2*360+100), and continue repeating every 360 degrees
PLS Source
PLSs can be assigned to three different sources:
MotorPosnFeedback, MotorPosnCommand, or
MasterPosnFeedback. This parameter determines which
position signal the PLS uses to reference its OnPosn and
OffPosn in order to determine its PLS.#.Status parameter.
PLS Status
This source is active when the position of the PLS source
(motor or master) is greater than or equal to the OnPosn
and less than the OffPosn.
Position Loop Response
The Position Loop Response is effectively a proportional
gain for the SM-EZMotion position loop. The units for the
parameter are Hz. A larger value for the Position Loop
Response will result in a tighter position loop (less following
error), however if it is set too high, instability can occur.
See the Tuning section of this manual for tuning procedure.
Positive Direction
This bit is used to select which direction of motor rotation is
considered motion in the positive direction. Select from CW
or CCW.
Position Command
Position command sent to the Unidrive SP by the
SM-EZMotion module. This parameter does not take
following error into account. See also PosnFeedback and
FollowingError. Units are in user units.
Position Feedback
Feedback position is the actual motor position in user units.
PosnCommand minus the PosnFeedback is the