20 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
Figure 28: PowerTools Pro Operation Preferences
Following is a description of each of the preference
settings: Download Group Ignore saving file on Ptools/Drive revision conversion
On a download PowerTools Pro first checks the revision of
the SM-EZMotion module firmware before downloading
the configuration. If the firmware in the module is older than
the matching software revision, PowerTools Pro then
converts the user configuration to match the firmware
revision in the module. Because certain parameters may
need to be changed to match the firmware revision,
PowerTools asks the user if they wish to save the file
before it is converted. If the user wishes to download
without saving every time, and therefore avoid being asked
on every download, this checkbox should be checked. Overwrite - Reset the NVM configuration
When this radio button is selected the "Overwrite" option
will be used on every download to the module. For more
details on how the Overwrite option works, see the
Download NVM Options above.
Note: It is required to Overwrite the Non-Volatile
Memory on the first download to the module since
no Non-Volatile Memory parameters have been
loaded into the drive on initial startup. Update - Upload the values into the current Update
PowerTools Pro configuration
When this radio button is selected the "Update" option will
be used on every download to the module. For more details
on how the Update option works, see the Download NVM
Options above. Keep - Remember the values and restore them after the
When this radio button is selected the "Keep" option will be
used on every download to the module. For more details on
how the Keep option works, see the Download NVM
Options above. Ask on each download
When this radio button is selected, the user will be
prompted on every download to select either the Overwrite,
Update, or Keep option. This is the default preference
setting. Upload Group Always convert Application to latest Ptools capability
When an Upload is performed, PowerTools Pro checks the
revision of the SM-EZMotion module firmware before
uploading the configuration. If this radio button is selected,
and the firmware is older than the matching software
revision, PowerTools Pro will automatically update the
uploaded file to match the current functionality of
PowerTools Pro. Always leave Application matching Module capability
When an Upload is performed, PowerTools Pro checks the
revision of the SM-EZMotion module firmware before
uploading the configuration. If this radio button is selected,
and the firmware is older than the matching software
revision, PowerTools Pro will NOT automatically update
the uploaded file to match the current functionality of
PowerTools Pro. Ask on each upload
When this radio button is selected, the user will be
prompted on every upload to select whether they wish to
convert the uploaded file to latest software capability or
not. This is the default preference setting. Upload Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Group Always upload NVM
When uploading a configuration, PowerTools Pro uploads
from a Non-User NVM location, so the data uploaded only
matches exactly what was last downloaded. If any
parameters in the Save to NVM list have changed since the
last download, those new values would not be uploaded.
By selecting this radio button, the parameter values in the
Save to NVM list will be uploaded into the PowerTools Pro
configuration after the normal upload.