118 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
104 Y Following Error
Amount of following error exceeded
following error limit set in PowerTools
Pro software.
Increase Following Error Limit in
PowerTools Pro configuration. Increase
Velocity Loop Bandwidth and/or Position
Loop Bandwidth in PowerTools Pro
configuration. Lower Acceleration/
Deceleration ramp values. Make sure that
programmed velocity is within maximum
operating speed of the given motor.
105 N Travel Limit Plus
Hardware Travel Limit Plus switch has
activated, or Software Travel Limit
Plus position has been exceeded
Verify motion profiles/programs to make
sure that motion is not configured to
exceed desired travel positions
106 N Travel Limit Minus
Hardware Travel Limit Minus switch
has activated, or Software Travel Limit
Minus position has been exceeded
Verify motion profiles/programs to make
sure that motion is not configured to
exceed desired travel positions
107 Y No Program Error
SM-EZMotion module has no
configuration loaded in it
Download a configuration to the
SM-EZMotion module using PowerTools
Pro software
108 Y Motion Trajectory Error
Maximum allowable position change
within one control loop update has
been exceeded
If using the "Using Capture.#" instruction
after an Index.#.Initiate instruction in your
user program, make sure that the
captured data is recent enough so that
the motor can actually achieve the
necessary acceleration
109 Y Trajectory Update Overrun Error
Control Loop processing time has
taken longer than the user selected
Trajectory Update Rate
Select a longer Trajectory Update Rate in
the PowerTools Pro configuration. A
longer Trajectory Update Rate gives the
control loop more time to process. Be
sure not to enable any PLS's, Captures,
or Queues that are not being used.
120 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
121 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
122 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
123 Y Program Error - Buffer Overrun
124 Y
Program Error - Call Stack Overflow
Too many "Call Program" instructions
have been processed without
returning to original "calling" program
Do not nest more than four "Call
Program" operations. To avoid this, return
to the original calling programs before
calling another program. (See Call
Program instruction explanation in this
manual for more information).
125 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
126 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
127 Y Flash Error Loading from Flash Memory has failed
Re-download original PowerTools Pro
configuration file. If problem persists,
please contact factory.
128 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
129 Y Program Error - Illegal Command
User Program has processed an
illegal command
Re-download original PowerTools Pro
configuration file. If problem persists,
please contact factory.
130 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
131 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
132 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
133 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
134 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Error Code
Error Possible Reason Possible Solution