66 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
8.2.4 Run Anytime Enable
The SM-EZ Motion programming environment has been
designed to automatically stop all user programs when a
fault occurs (regardless of what type of fault), or when the
drive is disabled. Some applications require the ability to
run a program as soon as a fault occurs, or continue
running a program even through a fault is active. In order
to do this, the program must be classified as "Run
Anytime". To configure the program to be able to run during
a fault or while the drive is disabled, the "Run Anytime"
checkbox must be enabled in the Program view. Figure
103 shows an example of the "Run Anytime" checkbox
after it has been enabled.
When a fault occurs, the drive will still be disabled, and no
motion will be possible. For this reason, it may be
necessary to reset the fault in the "Run Anytime" program
prior to initiating motion again. If a motion instruction is
processed while the drive is disabled, the program will stall
on that particular line of the program, but the program will
not be stopped.
Certain conditions will still cause a program designated as
"Run Anytime" to stop. These conditions are listed below:
• Stop Function is activated
• "Run Anytime" program has a Program Fault
Multiple programs may be configured as "Run Anytime"
programs. "Run Anytime" programs can be called from a
user program just the same as any other program. If a "Run
Anytime" program calls another program which is not
configured to as "Run Anytime" while the drive is faulted or
disabled, the task will be stopped.
Resetting Errors in "Run Anytime" Programs
To reset an error from a "Run Anytime" program, use the
Error.Reset = ON command in the user program. The
Error.Reset command does not clear all types of errors.
Some errors require power to be cycled in order to clear the
error. For more information on the method used to clear
individual errors, see “Diagnostics” on page 117.
After using the Error.Reset command in a user program,
use a Wait For Time 0.100 ’seconds command to give the
drive time to clear the error and re-enable the drive before
initiating motion. If this is not done, the motion will be
initiated before the drive is enabled, and the instruction will
be ignored.
8.3 Program Toolbar
Figure 104: Program Toolbar
8.3.1 Undo
This icon will undo the last change made to the program.
PowerTools Pro will save up to ten of the last changes
performed in the program.
8.3.2 Redo
This icon will redo the last change that was undone.
PowerTools Pro will save up to ten of the last changes that
have been undone in the program.
8.3.3 Find
This icon allows the user to search for a given string inside
the program. Modifying several parameters in the Find
dialog box (i.e. Search Up, Search Down, Match Case,
etc.) can customize the search.
8.3.4 Find Next
This icon will find the next instance of the string last
searched for. This allows you to quickly find all the matches
to your search with out re-entering the selected word.
8.3.5 Bookmark
This icon will insert a bookmark on the line of code on
which the cursor is placed. Bookmarks allow the user to
mark certain sections of the program for easy access to at
a later time. The next BookMark and Previous BookMark
icons can be used to jump from one bookmark to the next
very quickly. If this icon is clicked when a bookmark already
exists on the line of code, the bookmark will be removed.
8.3.6 Goto Next Bookmark
This icon will position the cursor on the next available
bookmark ahead of the cursor in the program.
8.3.7 Goto Previous Bookmark
This icon will position the cursor on the previous bookmark
behind the cursor in the program.
8.3.8 Clear All Bookmarks
This icon will delete all of the bookmarks in the program. To