100 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
Program Any Complete
This source is activated when any program ends normally.
If a program ends due to a fault or the stop destination, this
source does not activate. Deactivates when any program
is initiated.
Program Initiate
When activated, this destination initiates the specified
program unless an index, home, or jog is already
executing, a stop is active, or a program is already
executing with the same task number.
Program Name
This is a character string which the user can assign to an
individual program. It allows the user to give a descriptive
name to programs for ease of use.
Program Complete
This source is activated when a specific program ends
normally. If the program ends due to a fault or the stop
destination, this source does not activate. Deactivates
when the specific program is initiated again.
Program Stop
This destination is used to stop a specific program from
processing. It can be used to halt a program that is
currently in operation, or to prevent a program from
initiating. If a program has initiated some motion, and the
program is stopped while that motion is still in progress, the
motion will NOT be stopped. The motion initiated by the
stopped program will continue until it is complete (i.e.
indexes), or until it is stopped by another program (i.e. jog,
gear). This function is edge sensitive meaning that when
the Program.#.Stop activates, the specified program will be
stopped, but not prevented from starting again.
Queue Name
Queue Name
You can assign a descriptive name to each queue, making
the setup easier to follow. The length of the text string is
limited by the column width with a maximum of 12
characters. Simply double click on the Name field of any
queue’s line to assign a name to it.
Queue Size
Queue Size
This is the maximum number of elements that can be
stored in the queue. If more than this number of pieces of
data is in the queue at a time, then a Queue Overflow event
will activate.
Queue Full Level
The amount of data in the queue is constantly monitored
and the Queue Full source will activate when the number
of pieces of data in the queue exceeds the Full Level
parameter. This is only a flag and does not indicate a fault
of any kind.
Queue Clear
This destination automatically clears all of the data out of
the queue. The cleared data is not saved and there is no
way to recover the cleared data. This is typically activated
on power-up of the system to make sure no old data
remains in the queue.
Queue Compare Enable
The Compare Enable is what causes the comparator
internal to the queue to function. If the Compare Enable is
inactive, then the Queue Exit source will never activate. If
activated, then the Queue Exit source will activate when
the Queue Data plus the Queue Offset is equal to the
Comparator Select parameter.
Queue Data In
Data is loaded into the queue using the Queue.#.DataIn
instruction in a program. When DataIn is set equal to value,
that value is entered into the queue and the queue offset is
added to it. If Queue Overflow is active, then no more data
can be put into the Queue.
Queue Data Out
Queue.#.DataOut is the value of the oldest piece of data in
the queue. The sum of Queue,#,DataOut and the Queue
offset is equal to the parameter Queue.#.ExitPosition.
Queue Empty
This source is active if no data is stored in the queue. It will
become inactive when the first piece of data is loaded into